Hey gorgeous!
I’ve struggled a bit with balance.
As you may have gathered if you’ve been reading my emails or follow me on Instagram, I have big pie in the sky dreams. I have a lot I want to share with the world.
But I’m also a mom and a wife and it’s summer time, and sometimes I feel pulled in so many directions. Sometimes I feel like I can’t even think.
I know I’m not the only woman who has ever felt this way. Have you ever felt it too?
Maybe it looks different for you, but finding balance as a woman is pretty universal.
The other day, I was re-watching a Brene Brown tedx talk and she was discussing shame.
Shame for a woman: “do it all, do it perfectly, and never let them see you sweat. Shame for women is a web of unattainable conflicting expectations about who we’re supposed to be”
WOAH! That hit me straight where I live. That’s why we struggle with balance! We constantly feel the pressure to do everything perfectly. Guess what? Perfection doesn’t exist and as Brene Brown says “its a straight jacket”. I don’t really think “balance” exists either. I just think there are seasons and we can learn to appreciate them all.
So my “work” this summer has been to let go of who the world thinks I should be, and even who I think I NEED to be, relax a little and realize I have enough time to get it all done.
In fact that’s been my mantra most days “I have enough time to get it all done”.
The other thing that it took me a minute to remember is that I only get a few summers with my son, and I fully intend on enjoying them and not ruining them with anxiety and stress about the future.
So, just in case you’re feeling any of the same things I was, I want to remind you that, you are exactly where you need to be right now. Just have faith that the future will unfold perfectly.
Take a deep breath, relax a little and enjoy the journey.
P.S. You can follow our relaxing day over on Instagram Stories here: